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Remembrance Sunday 2021, past campaigns and our support.

Remembrance Sunday 2021, past campaigns and our support.

This year we are releasing our modern Mercedes Ambulance especially for Remembrance Sunday. Decorated in the bright yellow and green of the Service with the highly visible orange and yellow chevron stripes on the back, our 1:76 scale model (unpacked length 8.9cm) is registered LJ59 HNX.

Oxford Diecast first joined forces with The Royal British Legion to support their Poppy Appeal in 1999. A set of four vehicles were featured in some of the leading daily newspapers including the Daily Express, Sunday Telegraph and Sunday Post.


 Oxford Diecast - Remembrance Sunday 2021 Ambulance

Mercedes Ambulance 76MA007 – new release for November 2021 More Details and to order

Our ambulance features a panel on the sides that features the emergency and non-emergency telephone numbers alongside the Service crest. Additional to all the NHS graphics is a shower of Flanders poppies that flow down both sides and on the bonnet of our ambulance. The model is cased and in a special wrap, donations from the sale of each model will be made to the London Ambulance Service Charity.

The vehicle is a fitting tribute to both our Armed Forces in the field and also the Emergency Services who play a vital and selfless role in times of conflict.

Last year we released the Scania CP31 Pump Ladder appliance with equally poignant Remembrance Day images – we sold out within weeks, so we have rerun a small quantity for those that were disappointed in missing out. Donations from the sales of these go to the Firefighters Charity.


76SFE011  Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday 2020 Scania CP31 Pump Ladder

 76SFE011  Scania CP31 Pump Ladder 2020 release (11.7cm length) More Detail and to order

 An updated video originally produced by Taff in 2019 - please circulate freely as a memory.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses , row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Field

John McCrae


Here are some of our past British Legion Releases as shown in The Globe, the Oxford Diecast newsletter.

Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday 1999

Our First British Legion Campaign in 1999

Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday 2001

Then we moved on in 2001 for our third campaign

Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday 2004
Bedford Vans
Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday Morris Minors
Morris Minor Vans


Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday Mini Vans

Mini Vans

Oxford Diecast Remembrance Sunday Scania CP31 Pump

In 2020 we released the Scania. More Details


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Peter Frazer - April 19, 2022

I have a mini van Model MVO15, lest we forget , limited edition,Rembrance Sunday. It is still boxed in perfect condition. It was given to me to sell and the proceeds to go to our Poppy Appeal. Can anyone tell me how to go ahead with this, or is it not worth the effort. Thank you.

Pete Harvey - December 13, 2021

As a military vehicle collector I would like to make a humble suggestion for a release. One I know would go down well with 20mm Wargames players. The humble yet iconic Universal Carrier or better known as the Bren gun carrier.

Tony Boyce - November 1, 2021

Yes Oxford you definately have produced some great models that compliment the railway scene the 1/43scene could do with a jolt but your doing a good job in current climates-i think by far the best you produced was the 1/72 Dragon Rapids of various operates I would of loved to have seen the other Duxford aircraft G-AKIF modeled to complete the set but keep up the good work don’t forget it’s collectors that are your bread and butter always listen to them

Andrew Johnson - October 30, 2021

And I spelt his name incorrectly. It should have been McCrae.

Andrew Johnson - October 30, 2021

John McRae was a was a poet, physician, author, artist and soldier with the Canadian Expeditionary Force during World War. Wikipedia has an interesting article on him,

Kenneth Houghton - October 30, 2021

I agree with the above message in spirit but the complaint of the dearth of 1/148scale models that have been made for 00 1/176 but not produced in 1/148 N scale. As an example I have been trying to get 3 n scale models of the AEC Regent 111 Merryweather bodied fire engine which you produced for some time. It seems to me that like the magazines and other manufacturers we who model in N scale have become Pariahs in favour of the re-emergence of 0 scale who carried that ignorance for years alongside modellers of the LMS. Please can we be thought of worthy of the same choices.

Richard Gavin - October 29, 2021

A few years ago Hornby Hobbies / Corgi took over Vanguard model who up to then had a good range of UK vehicles. Since then nothing new; just the same old models painted differently.
I now hear that they have taken over Oxford Diecast. Can I expect the same outcome as Vanguards? Are they just buying out the competition with no regard to the collector.
I have also noticed that there has been a dearth of 1:43 models from Oxford. The 1:76 crowd are well catered for with some amazing models that I would love to see in 1:43 scale. The 1:76 buses are great and I must have at least one of each but please don’t neglect us 1:43ers for cars and vans.

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