1:76 scale which means that this is 76 times smaller than the full sized vehicle(s)
For a much detailed explanation of scale and the history please follow this link.
Packed: 13.8cm x 8cm x 8.1cm ( L x W x H )
Unpacked: 10.7cm x 3.8cm x 4.2cm ( L x W x H )
For more Fire themed product follow this link
Formed in 1974 as the Humberside Fire Brigade, its name was changed in 1987 to the Humberside Fire & Rescue Services reflecting their wider role in the community. Covering East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.
76SFE011 comes in a special gift wrap.
Remembrance Day 2020 saw the release of the Oxford Diecast Humberside Fire & Rescue Pump ladder, a scale model of the real thing.

This engine design in Humberside Fire & Rescue fleet shows part of the design features a trawler as a tribute to the 880 vessels and 9000 men from the Humber fishing industry sent to support the search for submarines during the First World War. The idea came from a member of the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service staff, firefighter Lynden Young.

The design showcases the support of the HFRS for those affected by conflict and those that have and still are bravely serving in the Forces.
Oxford has a history of raising funds for the Royal British Legion, in excess of £100,000 being donated since 2000 through the production of commemorative models. Donations from the sale of this model will be made to the Fire Fighters Charity.
Other Fire Related Vehicles
More details about the Humberside Fire & Rescue Service