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Ford Capri Mk2

Ford Capri Mk2

I am now assisting Eloise in my spare time (Sunday afternoons!) to update you the Oxford community about anything I think maybe of interest. This will include:

  • Development Updates
  • Significant Impending Releases
  • CAD
  • First off shots
  • Recollections
  • Reviews of Releases
  • Anything Else

So we start with Ford and a catalogue from the 1970’s, I will explain the reasons why a little later, but first the background.

Ford Catalogue 1977.


My brother started delivering newspapers when I was 9 years old, so he could earn some extra cash, I would tag along with him to help. On a Sunday, the newspapers were triple the size with the inclusion of business sections, weekly TV listings, magazines etc. You couldn’t carry all the newspapers in one bag it was impossible and the route you took meant you were walking for over a mile. Rather than returning to the newsagents halfway through the round to collect the second bag, I would walk with him lugging it over my shoulder, it was so heavy I would often be left with scars; my brother would give me 6d for my help!

At 11 I was old enough to be given my own round, meaning I would get properly paid as well! There were fewer cars on the road back then, but there were Fords everywhere, the only Japanese cars I remember were Datsuns. The paper round was quite monotonous and spread over a wide area. Frustratingly I had about 30 papers on Penlan Crescent, the first 28 house were reasonably close together, but the last two were over quarter of a mile apart. It was during this walk, that I started looking at cars and noticing the differences. Looking at their fronts on the first leg – the lights, the grilles, the wing mirrors and anything else that caught my eye. On the return I would concentrate on the rears, noting the variants and the specifications on each of the cars that I had seen, soon I was looking at vehicles as I walked to school. As the years passed by it was no longer acceptable for me to identify a car as a Cortina for example, I needed to look at a car and as quickly possibly identify it – ‘that’s a Ford Cortina Mk3 GXL four-door, it an L reg plate so it’s 1972’. The colour of the car was also important, to say blue was not good enough for me, I needed to know the different names, so Diamond Blue or Anchor Blue etc.


Ford Capri MK2 GL Interior

Ford Capri MK2 GL Interior

To better understand the differences, I needed some help and the solution was simple, all I had to do was visit garages around Swansea and pick up some car brochures. In some showrooms it was quite easy and they would often give me out of date issues, others were more challenging and required a little more cunning! Interestingly many of the salesmen were keen to get rid of the out-of-date issues; which suited me more. Everywhere I went I collected car brochures, on my annual summer holidays to Torquay I would visit the showrooms, whilst camping with the scouts I would walk for miles I was obsessed in getting as many as I could.

Then I started to sell some of the many car brochures I had collected, particularly the more prestigious brands. I had built up friendships with many of the salesmen in the showrooms, often being given duplicates, or samples of the old leather colour patches. Sometimes within weeks of receiving them I would sell the copies I had through free sales postings in the motor magazines – many I would send overseas and my biggest sale was £19, a lot of money to me back then. I still have hundreds of them left and I store them in my garage.


Ford Capri S MK2 Interior - very subtle !

Ford Capri S MK2 Interior - very subtle !

The other day I was flicking through a few of these old brochures, recollecting that Ford would update their catalogue each month, sometimes it was disappointing as the cover was different, but the contents were basically the same. As I picked up one of these catalogues I had a flashback, the brochure was issued by Ford in September 1977. This was the same month, as a 16 year old, that I had started working on the factory floor at Mettoys in Swansea, the manufacturers of amongst other things Corgi Toys. I remember visiting CEM Days the Ford dealer a few weeks later, telling the salesman that I was employed now. He was joking with me and handed over my monthly catalogue ‘now you are working you’ll be able to buy your own car. Which one do you want, make sure it’s expensive as I’ll earn more commission’ he said. I flicked through the catalogue.


Ford Capri Ghia MK2 - centre console with quartz clock!

Ford Capri Ghia MK2 - centre console with quartz clock!

On the cover you can see line drawings of the cars that are the classic Fords to me, I don’t necessarily mean the MK, as each has their own history. Indeed, had there been a MK 1 Lotus Cortina or a MK 1 Capri in that catalogue one of those would definitely have been my choice.

The Capris started on page 39, ‘In a class of its own’ it said’, I would read many magazines and recalled an article that read ‘the Mustang had inspired the Ford Capri’. There certainly was something exciting about the Capri – it had style and the cars were selling everywhere, being manufactured at Halewood and Cologne.

I flicked through the catalogue looking at the model choices:

Capri 1300 and Capri L

Ford Capri MK2 1300

Ford Capri 1300

Reading the words economy definitely didn’t appeal to me, I often wondered in later life why these options were available, on the British Mustang! The intro to the Ford Capri range says:

‘It combines sports car style. Flair and excitement with estate car practicality. The Capri 1300 and Capri 1300 now come equipped with a 1300 Economy engine as standard.’

Imagine a Ford Mustang being described as having estate car practicality with a 1300 economy engine and fabric trim (yeuch).

Ford Capri MK2 L

Ford Capri L

The Capri L at least had the sports road wheel and carpeted load compartment. If you wanted either of these beauties and buying new, you had to remember that the radio was an optional extra. Imagine forgetting to tick that box, I know why the Halfords shops were so popular with their offerings back then.

Capri GL

Ford Capri MK2 GL

Ford Capri GL

Now we are getting a little bit extra in the Capri as we at least have the option of a 2000 OHC engine (twin carburettor and automatic choke) and a push button radio comes as standard. One of the features shown was a bodyside moulding – GL badging. Probably to make sure everyone knew that you hadn’t purchased the 1300/L versions – making sure the neighbours were absolutely clear about that….

Capri S

Ford Capri MK2 S

Ford Capri S

We have the 3000 V6 engine with an automatic choke, updated brakes, shock absorbers, tachometer, oil pressure gauge, head restraints, alloy road wheels, power steering and yes special bodystyle coachlines. Surely all the things a 16 year would need (the fact that I was not old enough to drive was not going to deter me!).

Capri Ghia

Ford Capri MK2 Ghia

Ford Capri Ghia

Can it get any better! This came with a sliding roof which had a tilt feature as standard. Also available was that V6 engine and the top speed is shown as 121 mph in 6.8 seconds – that would be really useful on my drive to the Mettoy factory each morning. I was used to waking up at 5:30am and catching the bus, with this V6 engine I could get up 6:30am and brush my teeth, get dressed in the car at the traffic lights and be in the diecasting area before 7:00 am.

It was going to be a choice between these last two. I turned to the salesman and said:

Capri S page 44, V6 engine Arizona Gold please, make it a 1978 plate’
‘not the Ghia’ he said with a smile, ‘I thought you would have chosen that’.
‘I don’t like vinyl roofs, it’s as simple as that’ I chipped in.

He then went on to tell me that the MK3 was launching the following year and I ‘d be better off waiting until then.

I never got my Ford Capri they were far too expensive as my wages were just £100 per month. Instead my first car was a Mini 1275 GT, JCY 646N a 1974 plate, colour Renard and yes I had the Dunlop Denovo tyres!

Now we get to the interesting bit as I don’t have a car at this time, but I do want to buy one (second-hand) and I am not sure what to get. I am looking for your thoughts and guidance, any brand as I open minded – something to suit someone who was born in the sixties.

So it’s over to you – send me your ideas on comment section below.

I guess I shouldn’t finish without picturing the Oxford Ford Capri MK2’s, with links for more info, along with some Design Cells and CAD.


76CPR001 Oxford Diecast

76CPR001 Ford Capri MK2 - Lime Green


76CPR002 Oxford Diecast

76CPR002 Ford Capri MK2 - Sahara Beige

76CPR003 Oxford Diecast

76CPR003 Ford Capri MK2 - White



76CPR001 Design Cell Oxford Diecast
76CPR002 Design Cell Oxford Diecast
76CPR003 Design Cell Oxford Diecast
Oxford Diecast Ford Capri MK2 CAD
CAD Ford Capri MK2 Oxford Diecast
CAD Ford Capri MK2 Oxford Diecast
CAD Ford Capri MK2 Oxford Diecast


 So that's it until another time.




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Paul - March 18, 2022

Just caught up with this thread. Really interesting to read of your first encounters with cars.
Taking your Daughter to work reminded me of the days going to work with my dad. He had various driving jobs and I would often go with him in many and varied vehicles. The Ford D series and Transits stand out.
Though his time as a Milkman stands out as it was during the summer holidays that the new reg’ cars would come out and I would sit in the float eagerly looking out for a ‘Newie’ !
I have owned and driven many cars and vehicles over the years, including a time before children when I would buy myself a ‘newie’ each year.
Now my daily is a 1999 Mondeo Mk2 with a 1964 SWB Landrover for fun.
Like many I’m sure, I have sold cars I wish I kept, no less than the Discovery 2 I owned for 17 years ☹️
My suggestion would be buy something old, at least twenty +. Use and enjoy.

Paul Moore - October 15, 2021

If you can afford it, try and get a mk 2 capri. They were overlooked for a long time in the classic scene and are going up rapidly in price now. I am pleased you did the white one. Of minder fame.

David Lynn - September 16, 2021

Hello Taff

interesting question you’ve set, and no boundaries. As a car mad kid in the 60s, I worshipped beautiful small coupes such as the Lancia Fulvia, BMW 2002, Alfa 1750 GTV, Fiat 124 Coupe because they looked so achingly gorgeous. Never driven any of them, so no idea if they match up to the dream, and they’re classics now instead of every day users with all the careful treatment and limitations that implies. But for me, way ahead of a Capri for dewy-eyed desirability.

Probably the most enjoyable things I’ve ever driven were late 70s 2CVs – so much character and fun – you have to learn to drive them effectively to maintain momentum, but if you get the knack, they can shift surprisingly well. Useless on motorways and unpleasant in bad weather (although unstoppable in snow due to torque and spindly wheels so they chug happily away). But only really viable as a second car alongside something more mainstream.

I’ve got a soft spot for many 1990s things – I was a project manager doing megamiles for that decade, using whatever pool/lease/rental stuff I was allocated. Standouts were the Rover R8 214 – a lovely car, fun to drive and felt classy (and for me better as a 214 than 216 or 218 TD versions as the K-Series engine was a good ’un). Also a lot better than most people realised – the first series Nissan Primera for same attributes. I liked Peugeots as well – the frumpy looking 309, 405 and the 306 (the hatch was good, but the unloved saloon was somehow better) – which had probably the best diesel engines of that era. I tried very hard to like the Citroen Xantia – an excellent car but fatally flawed by appallingly uncomfortable seats. Never liked Sierras, but early Mondeos were good. Late Escorts (Mk5/Mk6) were better than their reputation, but needed a good trim level as the cheap ones had crap seats.

Moving into the noughties – still with cars randomly allocated – I’ve got very good memories of the Mazda 6. Early Focus were great to drive, but I could never stomach the styling (interior or outside) and the headlights were useless. I now drive a 2012 Kia Ceed estate – another below-the-radar car, but very good to drive, comfortable and easy to live with, logically designed without unnecessary gimmicks, well made, goes fast enough to feel sporty when I want it to. A few years ago these were minicab fodder for all the practical reasons which make it something I’ll keep for a few years yet.

Anyway, I’ll finish up with a sporty suggestion of something which looks beautiful, should be a practical prospect, good to drive and has bundles of charisma – Peugeot 406 Coupe.

Mr Richard Hignett - September 15, 2021

You haven’t told me how many miles you are planning on doing in a year. If it’s about 5000 or less I’d recommend an old Land Rover. Either a Series 1 or Early Series 2. Get one built before 1960 and it’s MOT exempt as well as Tax exempt. Immediately you get it, send the distributor off to the Distributor doctor to make sure it has the correct advance weights and return springs. The only down side is that you will have to get used to people cutting you up because they don’t want to get stuck behind an old truck! I invariably catch them up at the lights anyway.

paul ludlow - September 14, 2021

Coming from Wales, I think you should seriously consider the only truly Welsh production sports/GT car. The Gilbern invader. Three litre ford V6 engine in a coupe smaller than a mark 1 escort. Got to be fun. If you need something more practical, they made a two door sports estate version too. Could this be a candidate for a die cast model. Best regards, Paul.

LORD- ROY M WELLS - September 14, 2021


David Clements - September 14, 2021

Hello, nice to read the story, sound like there were two of us then, Collected my brochures from all around, Swansea, Cardiff, Bridgend (where I did and still do live).Had around 600 in the end ,at one point my mother nearly threw them away.. Thank the Lord she didn`t I sold them to a dealer at one of the N.E.C. classic shows quite a few years ago now. Wish I hadn`t as they are worth a small fortune now and I do miss them..
Re: The car what about a nice Triumph Stag…
Dave Clements, Bridgend…

Peter Nesbit - September 14, 2021

I run the Capri Laser Facebook group with 3000 members, Capri enthusiasts owning every type ever made, not rent-a-crowd like some other groups. I have driven and owned Capris since the 1970s and currently own a low mileage mint Capri I bought new in 1985, if you need any advice in buying one, just drop me an email.

Michael Toon - September 14, 2021

Vauxhall cresta from 1961 to 1967 would be my choice ,second car was 1961 PA bought in 1969 for £195 wages then £10 a week third party only £30 alot of money then fins and chrome, plenty of room lovely.
Fourth car cresta PB 1963 bought in 1972 not quite as much show as PA but same engine still plenty of room.
Cresta PC or viscount never had one but able to drive other people’s sheer luxury at that time.
Many thanks Taff for sharing memories we all had I’m still petrolhead as they say at 72 still collecting model diecast and interested in R/C cars drive a Renault scenic these days but still wish I had the cars of yesteryear

Bernard Thomson - September 14, 2021

Hello Taff’s may I suggest the zephyr mk2 convertible

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