Great news. I’m so pleased you are now operating independently again. I have a few of your wagons. They look and run well without going OTT with details you won’t see. I really wish you could do mineral and hopper wagons, coal or aggregate. Wagons you need several of a single type to make up a train. You seem to be able to bridge the gap between quality, detail, good running characteristics and affordability. Perhaps sell them in multi packs. For many of us, packs of three wagons at £80 like some manufacturers do are just not affordable or on our radar.
Good luck with all you do.
Richard Himson - January 8, 2025
Now that there are prototype HST power cars, will you be making some prototype mk3 coaches that could go with them? i.e. TFO, TSO, TRUK and TRSB. Thankyou
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