An Update on Taff
October 2024 Update
Taffs Triumph : The Next Chapter in the Fight
Donations can be made on the day in cash, or via our Just Giving Page.
Since our last update earlier this year, Taff has been dedicated to his recovery with remarkable determination. He’s been working hard, whether it’s through sessions at the gym and pool, riding his exercise bike at home, or committing to regular speech therapy. He’s busier than ever, tackling the skills that once came naturally to him, now learning them anew without his sight. He truly embodies the spirit of a champion.
Taff has always been a philanthropist, usually supporting causes quietly, without seeking recognition. Earlier this year, he asked me, "What can we do, Eloise?"—and that’s when our plans took shape.
This November, we’re bringing Taff back to where this journey began. In 2023, after the Warley exhibition at the NEC, Taff collapsed, leading us to discover a heart valve issue. Following surgery complications, he was unresponsive for several weeks, and we ultimately learned he had lost his sight. He’s since faced the incredible challenge of learning to walk, talk, and eat all over again.
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, Taff will make his first public appearance at the National Festival of Model Railway Show at the NEC. From 10 am to 4 pm, we’ll kick off a charity bike ride, with family, friends, and industry colleagues riding in support. Eloise, Taff’s daughter, will be raising funds for the RNIB—a charity now deeply meaningful to our family.
Donations can be made on the day in cash, or via our Just Giving Page.
And there’s more—a special moment on our stand at 1 pm you won’t want to miss! Stay tuned for further details.
Thank you for standing with us as Taff continues to triumph.
You can follow his journey on Tik Tok Here and on Instagram Here
For National Festival of Railway Modelling Show Tickets and For More Information including the full list Click Here
To Keep Updated with the event, please follow our Social Media Pages or sign up to Email Updates by scrolling to the bottom of our website Homepage and entering your email.
March 2024 Update
Do you want to win the battle or the war?
An Update on Taff.
In January this year I put out a short notice that the latest announcements were being delayed due to a family health problem that I was dealing with. Behind the scenes, as a family, we were managing this in Private until we had a clearer picture of what the outcome would be.
We appreciate all the messages of support and understanding during these difficult times. I took comfort from the messages personally when I was told ‘Family is more important’.
I have reflected over the past few days over what was the ‘right thing to do’, and in the past, my Dad, Lyndon, known to many of you as ‘Taff’ would take to writing and posting blogs to document his stories. Over the past 30 years of Oxford Diecast, and many more working in the Toy & Hobby industry, many have followed the journey of my father right up to where we are today. You have all met Taff at many events and shows, and he always has enjoyed the community he created when his vision came to life. It only felt right to update everyone who has supported us for so many years.
In November, while attending the Warley Model Railway Show, my Dad insisted on helping me load up our stand on to the van as the show came to an end. As his daughter, I wanted him to get home, but as usual, he didn’t listen to me. Just as we were reaching the end of a frantic pack up, he collapsed. It was a frightening moment, and my initial thoughts were that he overdid it. We got him home safe to our Hometown in Swansea, and investigated further. To our surprise, Taff required an operation on his heart, a pretty standard but albeit large operation which took place in early December. Being the work orientated man he was, he worked right up until the moment they took him for surgery, we almost had to prize his laptop away from him.
Unfortunately, there were complications during the surgery, which meant that he did not regain consciousness until January. Once he was ready, as a family we took him to Neurological Rehabilitation, where he had to learn to walk and talk again, he remained here until early March. We have recently brought him back home to continue his journey. Unfortunately, one of the consequences of the complications caused vision issues and Taff is now blind.
For those of you that have had the pleasure of meeting Taff, will know that behind the strong & motivated business man, is a humorous character with a lot of wit and intelligence. During these very challenging few months, he has not lost his wicked sense of humour and shown us how courageous he can be. He has taken everything in his stride and is determined to not let this beat him.
You are probably wondering what the title of this Blog is referencing. As I sit writing this, I look back over the bumpy journey that we have endured over the past few months, and a particular moment of Taffs recovery remains at the forefront of my mind. While we were waiting for Taff to regain consciousness, Kate, his wife, myself, my sisters Heather & Shaina and his and brothers Ceri & Wyn were with him daily. We wanted him to know that he is going to face some challenges over the next few weeks, but being the most important man in our lives, we were going to be here for every step of the way. A phrase that my father put to me many years ago while I was facing one of life’s challenges came to me. Do you want to win the battle or the war? In that moment, we saw the determination cumulate inside of him. He lifted his arms into a fighting pose, with a glisten in his eyes and a growl in his voice and said the first words we had heard since the operation….. ‘War’.
The hospital became like a second home to me, as I grappled my personal life, business and children all while attending to the needs of my Father. I am proud to say that he was lucky to have a dream team of family members around him, each tackling each element with our own strengths. We were so lucky to have my elder sister who is a nurse, who was advocating for my Dad through a crumbling NHS system. The people we met in the hospital from nurses, doctors and patients were wonderful. My Dad has always been someone who has given back, in any way he can from anonymous donations to causes, charity work, sponsoring youth football teams, even in recent years going back to his childhood school to teach young pupils about design and development. In January we shared a story with Dad about a patient, who was facing some life changing challenges just a few wards over from him. We knew instantly when we told him, he would want to donate, and that is just what he did. Even through his own plight, he still thought of others.
We looked back with Dad a few weeks ago about his memory of some of his times in the hospital, and he told us there were some words that were etched in his mind throughout some of his darker days. His Grandfather, named Algernon George Packer had the honor of receiving an MBE for his exceptional service throughout the wartime period. Those words engrained in his mind came from this moment:
During the period of acute enemy air activity at Swansea, Telephone House had to be vacated, and Mr Packer, in spite of injury to his wife and damage to his house, obtained temporary office accommodation and arranged for the removal of records and machines, so that work proceeded almost without interruption. His example of cheerful and untiring efforts was an inspiration to his subordinates.
I guess I always wondered where my Dad was blessed with some of his characteristics, but this sets the scene perfectly, with the kind of man who helped to raise him.
Taff is a grandfather to 4 wonderful children, Zyan, Tobi, Tiwa and Georgios, and also I must not forget Benji the old English bulldog. I had the hard task of explaining to my eldest the position with his Gramps eyesight and to my surprise he created a beautiful version of this situation we find ourselves in from a child’s perspective. My marvel fanatic son told me that it is pretty cool that Gramps is now blind, because he is now like ‘Daredevil’, A quick google search told me Daredevil lost his eyesight and now has superhuman senses to navigate the world in a different way.
So for now, our very own Daredevil is showing us exactly how to handle the world when it deals you a poor set of cards, with the drive and determination that has been engrained in him since a young boy. We are seeing improvements week on week and we will adapt to a new lifestyle with him.
We don’t know now why we have been given this challenge, but for every battle we face we will keep pushing through together, to win this war.
We will read comments posted on the Blog but cannot respond. We appreciate all your support.
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